Camp Mama took a sweaty, sandy field trip to the local playground this morning. Young camper India wanted to swing up to the clouds, and she slid down the twisty slide about 37 times.
This afternoon calls for rain, so Counselor Mama hopes to get some grown-up craft projects underway. The plans include:
--finishing the baby blanket for Baby Eli (a new one because I don't like the old one I made),
--starting Soulemama's bunting, in preparation for India and Bea's August birthdays,
--taking out the sewing machine and practicing a bit,
--starting to design holiday cards to make on the Gocco.
Or, if it's sunny, I'll probably end up taking the kids to the pool.
It's shocking that the slide picture came out as well as it did because I took it with my cell phone!
Posted by: Alexis | July 14, 2008 at 05:50 PM
What a perfect shot of your daughter coming down the slide! I would have to take about 800 shots and still would have managed to cut off a head or limb.
Posted by: Andrea | July 14, 2008 at 05:35 PM
oh so cute!!!
Posted by: joanna goddard | July 08, 2008 at 09:19 PM
We had a sunny day and spent it in the pool- I hope you didn't have too much rain! This morning we did have some adult-craft time where I had helpers who loved putting pins in tomatoes and seam-ripping!!! I'll keep the seam-ripper gal for sure!
Posted by: jessica | July 07, 2008 at 10:29 PM
Sounds like a fun day at Camp Mama!
Posted by: Sarah | July 07, 2008 at 02:08 PM